Voluntary Life Insurance

You can purchase life insurance coverage for yourself and your dependents. Below are the coverage details. For a full list of benefits included, please refer to the Guardian benefit summaries.

Voluntary Life Benefits

Increments Employee $10,000; Spouse $5,000; Child $10,000
Maximum Employee $500,000; Spouse $250,000; Child $10,000
Guarantee Issue Employee $300,000; Spouse $25,000; Child $10,000
Benefit Reduction 35% at age 65; 50% at age 70

Rates per $1,000
Age <30 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74
Rates $0.040 $0.050 $0.070 $0.100 $0.150 $0.230 $0.410 $0.660 $1.100 $1.810

An Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form submission is required for any requested amounts above the guarantee issue. Please review and update your beneficiary information!