Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)


Pay for qualified healthcare expenses with pre-tax dollars with this voluntary benefit.  Your election is binding for the plan year and cannot be adjusted unless you experience a Qualifying Life Event. This plan does include a carry-over that allows you to carry over up to $640 of unused Healthcare FSA funds at the end of the plan year as long as you re-enroll. However, any funds in excess of $640 that is left unused in the account will be forfeited at the end of the plan year. Keep in mind, any amount of carryover from the previous plan year will not affect your maximum allowed contribution to any future plan years.

Healthcare FSA Max Annual Limit $3,200

Click here to learn what qualifies as eligible expenses!



This benefit is similar to the Healthcare FSA, but participation eligibility is limited to employees who are enrolled in the UHC HDHP HSA and hold an HSA with Forma.  LPFSA funds can be used for covering expenses related to dental and vision services.


Limited Purpose Max Annual Limit: $3,200

Qualified Expenses:

 - Dental surgery
 - Orthodontia
 - Eye exams
 - Corrective/laser eye surgery
 - Prescription glasses
 - Contact Lenses



This benefit allows you to set aside money on a pre-tax basis for qualified Dependent Care expenses for children under age 13 and adult IRS dependents incapable of self-care. 

Please note, there is  a 75-day grace period after the plan year end (March 15, 2025) that allows you to incur eligible expenses. 

GoFundMe’s DCFSA also has a runout period - extended timeframe to submit claims for reimbursement - which is through March 31, 2025.

Any unused funds after that time will be forfeited.

Limited Purpose Max Annual Limit: $3,200

Qualified Expenses:

 - Work day childcare services

 - Cost of care at a licensed daycare

 - Before or after school care