Benefits Eligibility
If you work 30 or more hours per week, the plans in this guide apply to you. The following members of your family are also eligible for medical, dental, and voluntary coverage:
- Employee
- Employee + Spouse / Domestic Partner
- Employee + Children
- Employee + Spouse + Children
The definition of a dependent may vary slightly from carrier to carrier, but generally it applies to:
- YOUR SPOUSE, defined as the person to whom you are legally married under the law of any jurisdiction that has the authority to sanction marriages.
- YOUR DOMESTIC PARTNER, in order to enroll your domestic partner you and your partner must meet certain criteria including:
- You are unmarried, at least 18 years of age and have lived together for at least 6 months
- Additional tax implications may apply. Please review here for more information.
- You agree to be jointly responsible for the basic living expenses and welfare of the other partner
- You meet the requirements of any applicable federal, state, or local laws or ordinances for domestic partnerships
- You demonstrate financial interdependence by submission of documentation such as a joint mortgage or lease, designation as a beneficiary, joint title to an automobile, or joint bank or credit account.
- YOUR CHILDREN (AND/OR CHILDREN OF YOUR DOMESTIC PARTNER), which include natural children of the first degree, legally adopted children, stepchildren, and children whose parents are both deceased for whom you have legal custody.
A Qualifying Life Event (QLE) which is a change in life status that allows employees to make changes to their benefit enrollments outside of open enrollment. If you experience a QLE and would like to update your benefit plans, please notify your HR team within 30 days of the date of the event. You may need to provide proof of the event. QLEs are defined by the Internal Revenue Service and include:
- Marriage
- Divorce
- Legal Separation
- Birth or adoption of a child
- Change in a Child’s Dependent Status
- Change in residence due to an employment transfer for you or your spouse
- Commencement or termination of adoption proceedings
- Change in spouse’s employment status
- Death of a spouse or dependent