Prescription Drugs
When you enroll in a medical plan from either Anthem or Kaiser Permanente, you'll automatically receive prescription drug benefits. CarelonRX will manage your coverage if you enroll in an Anthem plan, while coverage under the Kaiser Permanente plan is managed by Kaiser Permanente.
Drug Tiers
The cost of your prescription drugs will depend on the drug tier, which is determined by the medication's brand, effectiveness, and cost. Generic drugs are usually less expensive than brand-name drugs and can save you money. Preferred brand-name drugs are favored by the prescription plan and non-preferred brand-name drugs may require prior authorization and cost more.
Mail Order
If you need ongoing maintenance medication, using the mail order program can be a cost-effective and convenient option. This program offers free shipping, a reduced cost for a three-month supply, and automatic refills.
Specialty Drugs
Specialty drugs, which are used to treat complex conditions, can be obtained through specialty pharmacies. For Anthem members, CarelonRX has established a network of retail pharmacies that specialize in dispensing and monitoring these special medications. For more information on the Anthem specialty pharmacy network, you can call CarelonRX at (833) 280-7487.
Phone: (833) 280-7487
Group ID: C17950
Kaiser CA
Phone: (800) 464-4000
Group # N CA: 604337
Group #S CA: 231897
Kaiser HI
Phone: (800) 966-5955
Group # HI: 45188