Anthem Medical

Anthem Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)

A PPO is a suitable option for those who have regular medical expenses and prefer an unlimited choice of providers. Employees may choose a PPO if they:

  • Have health problems, visit the doctor frequently, or take many medications.

  • Are expecting a major medical expense such as surgery or the birth of a child.

  • Are willing to pay higher premiums in exchange for lower out-of-pocket costs related to specific medical needs. 

Anthem High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)

High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) allow employees to have a Health Savings Account (HSA), a tax-advantaged investment account designed to help pay for healthcare expenses. The funds can be typically used for medical care, prescriptions, dental care and vision care. Employees may choose an HDHP if they:

  • Are generally healthy and don't need frequent medical care.

  • Have enough money in savings to cover the deductible in case of an emergency.

  • Want to save money for healthcare costs when they retire.

  • Are willing to price-shop for medications and services to minimize their expenses.

Anthem Exclusive Provider Organization (HPN/EPO)

An HPN/EPO is an exclusive network plan which offers plan members a network of high performing providers. Members have the flexibility to see any doctor and/or specialist (without referral) within the plan network. This is an ideal plan for those who want access to high quality providers at an affordable cost.Employees may choose an HPN/EPO if they:

  • Want lower monthly premiums. 

  • High quality medical networks such as:

  • California: Sutter Health, PAMF, Good Samaritan Hospital, John Muir, Quest & LabCorp, Providence St. Joseph, UCI Medical Center, Children's Hospital of Orange County, Memorial Care

  • Minnesota: Olmstead Medical Center

  • Colorado: UC Health, HealthOne and Parkview Physicians

  • Take the BHPN QUIZ to confirm the HPN/EPO is available where you live you and discover other available networks.


PLAN COMPARISON (Select Plans Below to Compare)

Plans are effective from January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025. 
Plan Name Carrier Name Effective Dates Select plan to compare
Anthem PPO Anthem Blue Cross Jan-01-2025 to Jan-01-2026
Anthem HDHP Anthem Blue Cross Jan-01-2025 to Jan-01-2026
Anthem HPN/EPO Anthem Blue Cross Jan-01-2025 to Jan-01-2026