Delta Care USA DMO Plan
At Western Digital, we understand the significance of healthy teeth and gums in your overall wellness. That's why we cover the cost of the Delta Care USA DMO plan for you and eligible dependents to maintain your dental health and address any dental issues. With the DMO plan, you only have to pay procedure-based copays, and the coverage is limited to in-network dentists.
Delta PPO Low and High Plans
The Dental PPO plans require you to pay a coinsurance amount after you have met your deductible, however, you have the freedom to choose any provider for your dental services. Keep in mind though, that your benefits will be greater by opting for an in-network provider.
Find a Network Dentist
You'll generally pay less out-of-pocket when you use an in-network dentist.
Visit Delta Dental for more information.
Key Plan Features
- Affordable coverage that helps you manage and estimate the cost of dental treatment. See the Cost Estimator flyer.
- Wide network of providers that have agreed to negotiated rates, which helps you save money.
- Teledentistry - ToothPic provides virtual dental assessments from a Delta dentist. Delta also offers virtual visits .
- Discounts on dental hygiene products with BrushSmart.
PLAN COMPARISON (Select Plans Below to Compare)
Delta Care USA HMO
Phone: (800) 422-4234
Group: 76442
PPO Low and High
Phone: (800) 765-6003
Group: 009308
Delta Dental
Please see Group with appropriate Division numbers below:
- DeltaCare USA DMO Plan Summary
- DeltaCare USA DMO Plan SPD
- Delta Dental PPO Low Plan Summary
- Delta Dental PPO High Plan Summary
- Delta Dental PPO High and Low Plan SPD
- Delta Dental Group Division Numbers 2022
- BrushSmart Flyer
- Cost Estimator Flyer
- Toothpic Member FAQs
- Toothpic Member Flyer
- Virtual Consult Member Flyer
- Make the Most of Your Dental Plan
- Savings to Smile About
- Member Perks for Your Smile and Beyond
- Make the Most of Your Dental Plan
- Resources at Your Fingertips
- Your One-Stop Shop for Wellness
Choose a provider.
Each time you need dental care, you have a choice of providers. Selecting a Delta Dental participating dentist will ensure you receive the highest benefits from your plan. To find a provider, go to Delta Dental.
Present your plan identification information at your provider’s office.
The group number for PPO Low and PPO High is 9308; for DHMO the group number is 6442.
If your service will exceed a recommended but not required $300, submit for a pre-treatment estimate.
You should always submit a request for a pre-treatment estimate for procedures and services your dentist believes will exceed a recommended but not required $300 (procedures such as crowns, inlays, bridges, and periodontics). For more information about pre-treatment estimates, call Delta Dental at (800) 765-6003 or visit Delta Dental.
Check your claim status and other information at Delta Dental.
You can review Explanation of Benefits (EOB) statements, check if claims have been paid, and more.