
Congratulations! You made it to one of the most rewarding stages of your life. With the right preparation, you can spend your post-career years exactly as you like: relaxing, traveling, spending time with loved ones or cultivating new interests. One of the keys to a happy retirement is laying the groundwork now for meeting your financial needs later. As you start the retirement planning process, your primary objective should be to live off the interest on your retirement savings. This section is designed to help you reach this goal and eliminate the age-old concern about out-living your resources.
Event Checklist
  • Participate in Retirement Savings Plan

When it comes to accumulating dollars for your retirement or other long-term needs, it doesn't get much better than a plan that allow your dollars to go in on a tax-advantaged basis -- which means Uncle Sam is encouraging you to contribute to your retirement plan. No taxes are paid until funds are withdrawn. Be sure to participate in the retirement plans offered to you by your employer.

  • Obtain an Estimate of Social Security Income
There is a lot of information you can request from the Social Security office. To find out what information is available, see:

- Social Security

- Your Retirement Benefit - How is it figured?

- Decide When to Retire

  • Sample Insurance Cost

Many people are under the misconception that they cannot afford the amount of life insurance that they actually need. The following chart provides you an estimate of the cost of meeting your needs if you take out an individual policy.

Using the Table

Let's assume that you are a male, aged 35, who needs $250,000 of life insurance. This table shows you sample costs from one insurance company, using the assumptions described below. If you are preferred risk, the premium would be $18.59 per month. If you are a 32-year-old female, your rate would be lower than $18.59 per month.

The rates shown below are based on a 10-year renewable and convertible term policy, using "Non-Smoker Preferred Male" rates. Female rates are lower. (Remember, these rates are sample rates only, you might find lower rates in the marketplace.)

Amount of Coverage
AGE $100,000 $250,000 $500,000 $1,000,000
20 $11.11/mo. $16.84/mo. $29.31/mo. $48.13/mo.
25 $11.11/mo. $16.84/mo. $29.31/mo. $48.13/mo.
30 $11.20/mo. $17.06/mo. $29.75/mo. $49.06/mo.
35 $11.81/mo. $18.59/mo. $32.81/mo. $55.13/mo.
40 $14.44/mo. $25.16/mo. $45.93/mo. $81.38/mo.
45 $17.94/mo. $29.53/mo. $63.44/mo. $116.38/mo.
50 $25.11/mo. $47.47/mo. $99.31/mo. $188.13/mo.
55 $34.73/mo. $75.91/mo. $147.43/mo. $284.38/mo.
60 $49.61/mo. $113.09/mo. $221.81/mo. $433.13/mo.


  • Medicare


- Medicare Helpful Contacts