Principal Emotional Health Support

Life can be unpredictable. And it's not always easy. So it's a big deal to know there's help available when you need it. Get help when you're feeling overwhelmed or need support! 

You, your spouse, and your dependent children can call this free, confidential support line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to reach licensed behavioral health clinicians who will provide emotional support, tips for health coping, and referral to local resources. 

You can call the emotional health support line at 800-424-4612 for situations like: 

  • Getting connected to a licensed mental health professional for yourself or loved ones
  • Needing resources for a child struggling with loneliness or difficult situations 
  • Gaining access to resources to promote healthy coping 
  • Needing resources for burnout, stress, grief/loss, or parenting 

For more information or to get help, call 800-424-4612 or visit