Medical & Rx

Your health is everything. Mercury provides valuable benefits that help you and your family stay healthy and pay for care if you get sick or injured.


Our benefits program includes medical plan options with a range of coverage levels and costs, so you can choose the one that’s best for you. You can enroll as a new hire, during Open Enrollment, or if you have a qualifying life event. Review your rates and enroll in UKG.

Medical plans
Blue Shield $aver/HSA plan
Blue Shield Super $aver/HSA plan

Take charge of your spending through lower rates, higher deductibles, and a tax-free Health Savings Account (HSA) (with contributions from Mercury) that you own for life.

Kaiser Permanente Deductible HMO
Blue Shield HMO
Blue Shield HMO Trio

Receive coverage for in-network care only, coordinated by your primary care provider (PCP).

Blue Shield EPO

A deductible applies to some services, except for most commonly used services and goods, such as PCP office visits and prescription medications.

Key features at a glance

All our medical plans provide:

Comprehensive, affordable coverage

for a wide range of health care services. Tip: If you need extra protection from large or unexpected medical expenses, you may also choose to enroll in supplemental medical coverage.

Free in-network preventive care

with services such as annual physicals, recommended immunizations, and routine cancer screenings covered at 100%. See more covered preventive services.

Prescription drug coverage

included with each medical plan. Prescription benefits are provided by Blue Shield.

Financial protection

through annual out-of-pocket maximums that limit the amount you’ll pay each year.

1 Available in California only

2 Available outside California only

$aver Plans

The Blue Shield $aver/HSA plan and Blue Shield Super $aver/HSA plan offer low rates and high-deductible coverage. With these plans, you’ll save money when you choose in-network providers (check out the network provider infographic for details), though you also have the option to use out-of-network providers.

Both plans allow you to participate in a tax-advantaged Health Savings Account (HSA) that helps you save money and plan ahead for future medical expenses. This combination gives you more control over your money and rewards you for making healthy, cost-conscious choices. As an added bonus, Mercury will contribute to your HSA — $600 for team member-only coverage, $950 for team member + 1 coverage, or $1,200 for family coverage.


How the Blue Shield $aver/HSA plan and Blue Shield Super $aver/HSA plan work

You pay the plan rates from your paycheck to have coverage.


You can set aside tax-advantaged money from your paycheck and receive company contributions to help cover your costs — now, or in the future.


You pay 100% of your medical and prescription costs until you meet the annual deductible.


After meeting the deductible, you and the plan share the cost of covered medical care and prescriptions, with the plan paying the majority.

Out-of-Pocket maximum

You’re protected by an annual limit on costs — the plan pays 100% of eligible expenses for the rest of the year.

Keep in mind: You pay nothing for in-network preventive care — it’s covered in full.

HMO Plans (CA only)

The Kaiser Permanente Deductible HMO, Blue Shield HMO, and Blue Shield HMO Trio plans provide coverage only when you receive care from providers within the HMO network. Your primary care provider (PCP) will coordinate your care to help manage costs.


How the HMO works


You pay a set fee at the time of service for doctor visits and prescriptions.

Out-of-Pocket Maximum

You’re protected by an annual limit on costs — the plan pays 100% of any further covered expenses for the rest of the year.

Keep in mind: You pay nothing for in-network preventive care — it’s covered in full.

Blue Shield EPO (Outside CA)

The Blue Shield EPO offers lower copays, no deductibles and lower out-of-pocket maximums in exchange for higher rates and staying within a specified network. With this plan, your costs are more predictable, but you’ll likely still have out-of-pocket expenses.


How the Blue Shield EPO works


For certain services, you pay 100% of your medical costs until you meet the annual deductible. For most commonly used services and goods, such as PCP office visits and prescription medications, you pay no deductible.


For services that require an annual deductible, once you meet the deductible, you and the plan share the cost of those services, with the plan paying the majority.


For most commonly used services, such as doctor visits and prescriptions, you pay a set fee at the time of service.

Out-of-Pocket Maximum

You’re protected by an annual limit on costs — the plan pays 100% of any further covered expenses for the rest of the year.

Keep in mind: You pay nothing for in-network preventive care — it’s covered in full.


Prescription Drugs

When you enroll in a Mercury medical plan, you automatically receive prescription benefits through either Blue Shield or Kaiser Permanente depending on your choice of medical plan.


Drug tiers

The cost of your prescription drugs under each medical plan depends on the tier of the medication — generic, preferred, or non-preferred. All prescription carriers have a formulary, or list of preferred drugs based on effectiveness and cost.

Generic formulary drugs

Same active ingredients as brand-name equivalents and meet the same standards for quality and effectiveness, but usually cost much less. You pay: $

Brand formulary drugs

Brand-name medications included on the formulary and favored by your prescription carrier. You pay: $$

Brand non-formulary drugs

Brand-name medications not preferred by your carrier. They may still be covered, but may require prior authorization and cost more. You pay: $$$

Specialty drugs

Complex drugs that are used to treat complex or rare chronic conditions and are often injectable or infused. You pay: $$$$

Save money on your prescriptions!

The cost of prescription drugs is rising faster than many other health care services and supplies. But, there are ways for you to save.

  • Ask your doctor about generic formulary medications. Generic medications are generally just as effective as brand-name medications, but they typically cost between 80% and 85% less.
  • Use the home delivery program. If you take maintenance medication to treat a chronic condition — such as an allergy, heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes — the convenience and cost savings of the home delivery prescription programs through a Blue Shield network pharmacy will save you time and money. You can get 90-day fills of prescription drugs through a Blue Shield network pharmacy, or at a retail pharmacy.

Prescription management programs

Your pharmacy benefits include several programs aimed at ensuring your safety and making sure you receive the most clinically appropriate and cost-effective medication.


Your pharmacy plan has an extensive listing of generic and brand-name prescription medications that offer the greatest overall value. This list will determine how your prescription will be covered. Keep in mind that the medications on the formulary may change as the result of regular reviews and updates.

Mail service pharmacy

Blue Shield plan members have can save money and stay on track when refilling maintenance medications. When you fill your prescription at a Blue Shield network pharmacy, you pay less for a 90-day supply of medication than you would purchasing three 30-day supplies of medication at full price.

Plan Comparison

Plan Name Carrier Name Effective Dates Select plan to compare
Blue Shield PPO $aver/HSA Plan Blue Shield of California Jan-01-2024 to Jan-01-2025
Blue Shield PPO Super $aver/HSA Plan Blue Shield of California Jan-01-2024 to Jan-01-2025
Blue Shield EPO Blue Shield of California Jan-01-2024 to Jan-01-2025
Blue Shield HMO Trio Blue Shield of California Jan-01-2024 to Jan-01-2025
Blue Shield HMO Blue Shield of California Jan-01-2024 to Jan-01-2025
Kaiser Deductible HMO (Northern CA) Kaiser Permanente Insurance Company Jan-01-2024 to Jan-01-2025
Kaiser Deductible HMO (Southern CA) Kaiser Permanente Insurance Company Jan-01-2024 to Jan-01-2025