Welcome to the WAHIT Employer Benefit Portal The Washington Alliance for Healthcare Insurance Trust (WAHIT) is an employer-governed trust that began in June 1997. |
Since March 2010, WAHIT has maintained a grandfathered contract, allowing many plan participants to maintain medical benefits with limited changes. The grandfathered plan allowed participants to stay in the program and keep their costs below market trends. After 32 years of operation — 12 years in the grandfathered phase — the WAHIT program has been retired as of June 30, 2023. Although the Trust is no longer active, clients may still access their history by contacting WAHIT@vimly.com. If you have questions about enrolling into another program or about WAHIT, please visit SlingshotBenefits.com or email hello@slingshotbenefits.com. On behalf of the Washington Alliance for Healthcare Insurance Trust and its partners, it has been our pleasure to serve the many companies and their families who have benefitted from the WAHIT program. |
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