Plan Details
Plan Name Cigna Choice CDHP (HBC)
Effective Dates Jan 01, 2024 to Jan 01, 2025
Benefits In-Network Out-of-Network
Annual Deductible/Individual $4000 ($6550 individual within a family) Not Covered
Annual Deductible/Family $8,000 Not Covered
Coinsurance 30% Not covered
Office Visit/Exam 30% after deductible Not covered
Outpatient Specialist Visit 30% after deductible Not Covered
Annual Out-of-Pocket Limit/Individual $6350 ($6550 individual within a family) Not Covered
Annual Out-of-Pocket Limit/Family $12,700 Not Covered
Preventive Care 0% Not covered
Inpatient Hospitalization 30% after deductible Not covered
Surgical Services Outpatient Facility Charge 30% after deductible Not covered
Emergency Room 30% after deductible 30% after deductible
Urgent Care Facility 30% after deductible Not Covered
Prescription Drug Deductible Combined with medical deductible Not Covered
Prescription Drugs - Generic $10 after deductible Not covered
Prescription Drugs - Brand (Formulary/Preferred) 30% up to $200 after deductible Not covered
Prescription Drugs - Brand (Non-Formulary/Non-preferred) 50% up to $400 after deductible Not covered
Prescription Drugs - Specialty N/A N/A
Chiropractic Services 30% after deductible up to 30 days per year Not Covered
Acupuncture Not covered Not covered